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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 8, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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former congressman pete huskstra winning there and he will face debbie stabnaugh. we learned that 40 year old wade michael page had a history of the alcohol abuse. the community of oak creek coming at a vigil and hundreds saying prayers. 7 people including page died . jard -- jar ed loughner will spend the rest of his life behind bars. six people were dead and others wounded n. a statement mark kelly said gabby and i are satisfied with the plea agreement. avoiding a trail -- trial will help us move on with your
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lives. >> nasa rover sending back the first colored photos. >> there you g. this shows the north wall of the gale crator it is a little murky because of dust coating the cam rampt also pictured a bit of dust kicked up on the red planet. you can see curiosity detachable heat shield. rover will rove in the next couple of weeks. >> why can we put a guy in there . dry food and mre's. >> chris: beef jerky lasts forever. >> guest: just make it bigger . talk about a super pac ad. the candidate can say not me.
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i can't control it it is back to bain and health care all in one and comcome to a conclusion that doesn't add up to the facts. this time mitt romney is call would a killer. >> chris: yeah, he is. it is firm priorities pac and it is barak obama's campaign and surrogates sleaziist ad to date and it said mitt romney killed a guy's wife . >> when they closed the plant i lost health care and my family lost the health care . short time after that my wife became ill and passed ark way in 22 days. i do not think mitt romney realizes what he's done. i don't think that mitt romney is concerned. >> lthe washington post
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awarded that for misconstruing the facts. mitt romney left bain in 1999 to run the olympics. nevertheless the poor man's wife of obviously, this man feels as though his life took a down ward spiral when he lost his job. but his wife died in 2006, can you cannot - on connect those dots from 2001 to 2006? >> mitt romney had left of the company 7 years earlier. this is unfortunate thing for us. for the integrity of the ad. this is by the super pac done by bill burton who used to be at the white house and left to do ads. this woman had insurance after he lost his job. when he lost his job, mr. joe
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sotik his wife was working at sabres thrift shop and she was laid off a couple of years later. she had insurance after her husband lost the job. his firing had nothing to do with her losing insurance. >> more people do get cancer that have insurance. you still can get cancer and sometimes it works. again, it is just a long stretch as to whether or not you can connect bain capitol with her death and bill burton said it would be over stating the point of the ad to say that they connecting romney to the death. >> chris: that's crazy i understand. >> guest: low information voters said ther making dinner and the kids are trying to get
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the jelly jar open . oh, did you hear that governor just killed somebody. pass the salt that's what you worry about. and basically that's what they are hoping for to get low information voters on the side. this adis sad but sadly success employ. >> chris: how many people in the bad economy on barak obama's watch lost their jobs and lost their insurance and got sick? i would imagine a lot of people. do you think mitt romney's campaign will go down that road. >> guest: just to be clear if they get sick in obama's years it is george bush's fault. we could have a complete ticket. joe biden barak obama and against mitt romney and fill in the blank. i didn't expect this name to pop up because he is has a job as cia director.
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>> general david petraeus is who you are talking about. >> steve: that is french for the day . i saw this on the drudge report. jay carny was asked about it and he neither confirmed or denied it came originally from the white house. >> brian: romney wants petraeus to join the ticket. steve stove general petraeus has no plans to be running for elected office. this campaign got so dirty with harry reid to many just making stuff up. you would be amazed that apparently barak obama campaign is asking for
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realtor. the director of obama for america for florida. if you have dirt on mr. rubio to let them know. >> it is an e-mail blast. share what you think the rest of the country should know about rubio has done in florida. good bad and ugly and why he would be a disaster for the next vice president. >> steve: they did it in rob port man. >> she is now outsourcing her job. >> brian: but she didn't go to india asking them what they know about marko rubio. i like to give the other side . >> steve: it is it a volunteer thing. if you ask for dirt, it is no guarantee that the dirt is true.
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>> brian: and karl came itron -- cameron had a sit down with mitt romney. why do you think it is a misdirection . he could be tricky and say you can speak to the rnc. >> steve: in the sit down with carl cameron used a word. it was obamalonie and a take off on balony and that comes on the hells of the president of the united states in connecticut where he used word romneyhood. listen to both of them recently invented words. >> it is like robin hood in reverse. it is rom no hood. >> we have watched the president say a lot of things about me and my policis and
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they are not right. if i were to coin a tirm it would be beaumont -- obamalonie. it might be a on a quiz for you. which one do you prefer. send us e-mails or tweets. steve stove we have a better one. let us know. we are looking for fun stuff. >> it is tough to top those. >> they are that good. >> you wake up with obamaloney in your pocket knowing i will use this in a right time. >> it is obma. >> that would be obamaloney. >> straight ahead.
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south carolina redefined corruption and ther suing -- he is suing for severance. he is getting $22,000 in pension payments. stewart varney does not have that kind. when he quits he's done. >> joanne rivers in trouble for chaining herself to a costco shopping cart. >> why wouldn't she? hey, i love your cereal there -- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right?
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no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm.
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we're on vacation. this is no pl. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage car ith special perks on united. get it and you're in. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. gotta get that bacon! baco! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth!
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>> brian: former police chief in california was ousted with other officials that were raking in huge pay checks. randy adams received $22,000 a
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month even he is now suing for severance pay . steart varney, is this staggering he wants more? >> repeat the number. $22,000 a month for the rest of your life and police chief of discredited bell, california and forced out and you get a massive pension and now he said, i want severance pay. bell just keeps on going. it is the poster child of california financial chaos and now randy adams is suing for extra money on top of the pension. >> brian: this is not your area but if he has it in writing, i wonder how strong his case is. >> you can't take the pension away. it is legal and he earned it. did he resign or fired and that's the issue at a severance. the place has collapsed and
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bell collapse only 35,000 people and yet the police chief was making $400,000 in salary and total $700,000 when you throw in benefits it is not illegal . but a poster child of all that is wrong. and school district. you found another story need 105 million. where did they go? >> they borrowed a 105 million. they did it for going for a capitol appreciation bond. forget the jargon. they borrow 105 million. they will have to pay back 981 million by the year 2051 so they spread it out over 40 years and they will end up paying 980 million back for borrowing 105 million now. >> brian: it is like a loan
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shark . >> it is. it is a special kind of bond that the school district went to in sheer desperation. others have done it you drop a bomb that explodes 20 years from now that the loan has to be repaid. this is california finance and the chaos you see in the former golden state. >> brian: san bernardino and stockton fages balance. 9:20. >> varney and company. >> brian: and watch you on fox business. >> lucky you. >> brian: everything pops up related varney related. 19 minutes after the hour. welcome to illegal you. offering up college credits for illegal immigrants for a cheaper rate than american citizens have.
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student fighting back next check out this catch. another dad with a newborn in his hands, down goes the arm and so does the baby. how will that kid grow up? where will he be affected. michael jackson you can't answer. hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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>> quick head lines now. a bomb blast killing three nato troops in eastern afghanistan. we don't know their nationalities. we will soon. and look at what the completed one world trade center will
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look like. the first renderings in five years. it will be the tallest building tanding at 776 beat including that antenna. steve? >> steve: university of california new dream university is offering classes to illegal immigrants at a fraction of the price that people in the united states pay. >> allyson: the undocumented student pays $2800 for credits and everybody else $6600. is that a fair deal to the students here legally. good morning, katie? >> good morning. >> allyson: how do you feel about the new program? >> i am a at eye time when the students are faced to
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increased tuitition and after facing the harsher reality it is not fiscally responsible for them for the undocumented stunes that haven't paid in the system and i believe it is not a wise educational policy as well like you mentioned, it is going to cost the students far less to attain 18 units from this program and having paid a higher price for my education. i don't believe that is fair to student who is are in this legally. even if they are not california residents, we are paying more for our education. >> steve: you are familiar to the classes that are available to the dreamer students, students who are not here legally they have a idea logical bent to them. >> you are right. there are six courses offered through the program and each one of these has an
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ideological view point that is going to be expressed through the various classes on immigrant and labor rights and race, class and gend yer u.s. labor that we all guess are going to be taught through a leftist ideology. >> allyson: katie, look at the admission requirements. they have to graduate from a u.s. high school and minimum gpa of 2.7 and demonstrate commitment to immigrant and labor rights and social justice. why do you think ucla is bending over back wards to accommodate the students? >> i think it is an effort for center of labor and education to express their support for immigrant rights. i think -- i don't know if it is necessarily part of the
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ucla administration. it is not clear if it is solely the initiative for the director for center for education. >> steve: katie, i understand that you feel after they complete these classes at a much lower rate than you pay, you worry they will not be able to get jobs anyway because u.s. employers have to verify status in the country. >> one of the reasons i am against the program, it sets up students for a path to no where. we invest our tax dollars to an initiative if employers do their yob and check the initiative, we are setting them up for unemployment along with many other americans f. we are investing tax dollars and education, there has to be a benefit to get as a result of it. >> steve: it is thry:twen in los angeles and only college student up for the new day.
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some still up for last night but you are the only one up. >> thank you tis it a pleasure to be here. >> allyson: next on the run down. no work, no problem. you can collect welfare. mitt romney said that tears apart what president clinton did for welfare. are both of these claims true. >> steve: dick morris next. why the heck did comedian joanne rivers chain herself to a costco shopping part. why? for the salmon. it is delicious there. >> allyson: happy birthday to creed. he's 39 years old . ♪ [ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom.
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try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to four times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? why not enjoy the go - hugs from beneful baked delights... - [ barks ]rs ] are crispy, oven-baked dog snacks with soft savory centers, made with beef and cheese. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four snacks... to help spark play in your day. [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone.
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let your doctor do his job. and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> it is it a true shot of the morning. we rely on the colorado river. they are hoping he will see the crop art when he flice in there later today. ther pushing for protection. river. one of the few states that is up for grabs and mitt romney has pulled ahead. >> steve: i hope the air force
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one comes in on the right direction. >> allyson: he was saying they don't support. >> brian: we needed rivers and we need colorado. you heard me axelrod, we need it done>> allyson: a lot to tell you about. the university of colorado hiredulars one day after the report revealed that the school was warned about james holmes. they asked him for a bang - background check. nothing was done 12 people died and 50 others were injured. >> brian: they talked to the police officer, too. joanne rivers chained herself to costco. because they would not sell the book. rivers tried to get customers to buy it outside she hand
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cuffed herself to a shopping cart all why using a bull horn to blasts costco. they left once police showed up. no charges were filed. i think melissa is obligated to sesh her time if showas arrested >> chris: on behalf of >> steve: brand new video out of the mexico. >> brian: where is moon river? >> steve: ask andy williams. ernesto weakened to a tropical storm this morning. it is it packing high winds and rain. winds are at 70 miles per hour and under 75 for hurricane level. ernesto hit the yucatan peninsula as a hurricane. the national hurricane center said the storm could regain strength later on.
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>> allyson: meanwhile, hialeah getting her groove on once again. let's look. ♪ there you g. the secretary of state caught dancing at a -- >> steve: what is that? woah. >> allyson: she was in a dinner in south africa and showing off the move. showing off these moves. there you go fantastic move. remember president george bush back in 2000. >> steve: it is nice when they get a sense of humor. look at that he's on the bongo. >> allyson: a lot going on there. >> brian: i remember that. he was shirtless. >> steve: and tara has been an
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intern and done a great job. >> brian: you get to do the sports and say goodbye. >> it is bitter sweet. >> brian: tara kept her scripts off camera in case something happened it is 50 feet away. >> let's talk olympics, the u.s. assured goal kerry walch and masty may beating china in the semis, it is their final olympics playing together. jennifer upsetting top seeded brazil and make it an all american final. the finals are later today. it was a perfect ending for the olympics. ally won another gold medal in the floor exercise contest. she also scored the bronze for the balance beam. how important for scoring a foul ball.
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for a padry's man more important than the safety of a baby. castillo with a grounder to third base. the fan reaching over and holding the baby with one arm picked up bare handed the ball. can't wait to show off. the baby is okay. >> brian: you know it is a baseball that can go for a lot of money. it could go for 60 cents. >> it is just a game. >> brian: and that kid could have gone over. the kid has a great story and national television. tara, you did a wonderful job now you will finish up school. >> go back to ole miss. >> brian: you never been a roommate with eli manning. >> sad low never. >> brian: toss it back over to those two people. >> toss it over to the kirby couch. >> steve: we continue the
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tosses and dick morris joins us. good morning to you. >> aren't you going to give mow a party. >> steve: when your internship is through. which will be a while. what do you make of the democrats, the president invited jimmy carter to address the dnc. does it show he is moving to the center or way left? >> no, the whole purpose of the convention for obama is to animate his base. he's given up on the swing voterss and his goal is to get the left wing base excited and thrilled as they have not been. his end game is to give them a utopia of what a liberal left wing presidency would be. jimmy carter is fitting right in. if karl marx were available he
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would have a speaking engagement too. >> allyson: president obama's administration gutted a portion of welfare reform and fact news checker said it is not true. what the administration is doing is giving the states more control of welfare so they can decide how to put the workers back. >> notice, the abc argument is nonsense. the whole point of welfare reform. emancation proclamation did everything but didn't free the slaves. the purpose of welfare reform was to take away from the state the ability to define things as work applicable for welfare they were defining things like learning the hula as work. bed rest as work. and so, the welfare reform act
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vested that power in the federal government only and then it went on and on and on, specifying that you can't waive those work requirements. people who drafted it worked morning noon and night to stop any administration from doing what this administration has done. it clearly illegal and will be reversed by the courts and in the mean time obama can indulge and celebrate the end of the most successful program over the last 40 years. we cut welfare in half and cut poverty by a third and now by letting people stay on welfare without work without a time limit and being able to do all kinds of things and saying that it is work. you permit them to lapse back in poverty. the beauty of welfare reform saying you have to work and you ged medicaid and foot stamps and you end up in a
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lower middle class existence making in the low 20s as opposed to settling back on welfare and making $7000 or $8000 a year. >> brian: bill clint said mitt romney is not right to attack the president on >> one of the things that happened in the last couple of decade is one of the greatest bipartisan successes we have seen, that is president bill clinton and republicans coming together to reform welfare. they reformed welfare not just to save money, more important lie they encouraged people to work. they did not want a culture of dependency to continue to grow in our country but have blessings of work. you saw the welfare case load cut in half and you saw the number of people in poverty come down year after year
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after year. president obama in the last few days tried to reverse that accomplishment by taking the work requirement out of welfare. >> he's right. one thought back on the convention that you are talking about. it is interesting that ram emanuel is speak andrew cuomo is not. that's the field. maybe hillary. but emanuel against cuomo. and emanuel controls the obama operation and he made sure andrew cuomo is eating pop corn on the bleachers while he is on the stage that. is a cool move for the election coming up. >> steve: maybe hillary will not be speaking but there is a possibility of a dance off. >> brian: i can't imagine not a role for cuomo.
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>> allyson: can you make threats on twitter and get away with at this time the ground breaking ruling that came down. >> steve: rememberment $60 green bulbs. >> brian: turns out. >> steve: they may be toxic. >> allyson: our medical ateam -- >> brian: on this next. caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams
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at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. ♪ three, six, nine ♪ the goose dra wine ♪ the monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line ♪ ♪ ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ pat it on your partner's hand ♪ ♪ right hand ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ cross it wi your left arm ♪ pat your partner's left palm ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand, pat your partner's right palm ♪ [ male announcer ] it's back. the volkswagen beetle. that's the power of german engineering.
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>> allyson: the wife disgraced governor rod blagojevich complaining that his appeal is not going fast enough. >> it is frustrating. my miss their dad and he's missing their birthdays. >> allyson: he's missing birthday because he got 14 years for corruption. american airlines offering deliver your bags and the new service will run $30 a bag within 100 miles of the
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airport. >> brian: what is more important saving the environment or your family's personal health. >> steve: probably the personal health, right. there is a report that government man dated light bulbs can cause cancer. dr. seagull is here. thank you. >> steve: why is the government forcing us to use the bulbs. they use less important. >> curly things. you can stick them in any socket and one-quarter of the amount of energy and green what is not like to like. the electrical current goes over mercurie. that is dangerous. second thing is, people have had eye strain and depression because it is not much light.
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hey, i love your cereal there --
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it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day.
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[ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic for amazing doorbuster deals - plus extra savings up to $100 during our scope trade-in sale. to experience the largest, most efficient line of luxury hybrids on the road, including the all-new esh. ♪ while many automakers are just beginning to dabble with the idea of hybrid technology... ♪'s already ingrained in our dna. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> ali: you make threats on twitter and get away with it? it depends how far you go. last nitwitter turned over tweets posted by an anonymous user who was threatening to carry out an aurora style shooting rampage at this broadway theater in new york city. will this open the door for police to investigate anything you say on-line? i'm joined by a corporate and social media attorney. nice to have you. >> pleasure to be here. >> ali: just the back story, is it somebody on-line making threats fort opening night of this big broadway extravaganza, they were going to go in and cause some sort of shooting massacre. in fact, let's read some of the tweets they posted. this blank ain't no joke yo. i'm serious. people are going to die like aurora. that was the first one. here is the second. gosh, i'm still making this hit list. damn, i want it to kill a lot of people, the third, i have last minute plans and i'm in florida
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right now, but it will happen, i promise. i'm finishing up my hit list. that scared the new york city police department enough that they took some action. so is it right that twitter is now handing over personal information like that. >> you know what? in this case, you have, i think, competing values and arguments in terms of whether or not twitter should hand over the information or not. on the one hand, you have people saying there should be freedom of speech and privacy rights and that twitter shouldn't be so quick to hand over the information because that might create a sliding scale where the smallest threat or the smallest chance of some kind of thing happening will cause them to turn over the information. so they have to exhibit some level of judgment. twitter does have policies in place for emergency situations like this. in that cakes twitter says that if it's a case of danger to someone's life or serious injury, they will turn over the information. but that's a judgment call made by twitter.
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>> ali: of course that makes sense. in this particular case, no one wants to see more bloodshed. if you could stop it before hand, you would want to stop it. but the fear is that this will have a slippery slope effect and suddenly there will be more big brother style monitoring. let me read you what the have said in deciding whether or not they're forgetted by law. if you post a tweet, just like if you o scream it out the window, there is in expectation of privacy. there is no proprietary interest in your tweets which you have gifted to the world. makes sense, right? you're putting it out there in public, why should it be private? >> that's right. that's correct. and at the same time, there is also -- people have to realize that in addition to having these rights or wanting the rights of privacy and free speech, there is also rules on web sites like twitter. there is term of service and twitter rules. for example, it says on twitter, you will not threaten someone with physical injury or harm. people have to realize that you can't just go out and say anything and you won't be protected by the cult of
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anonimity on the internet because if rises to the level of danger that it warrants police intervention, then they will do so and go to court and eventually get the information by court order or subpoena and they'll track the person down. >> ali: good reminder that everything you put out there people do take seriously. thanks so much for coming in. >> pleasure. >> ali: stunning new report the white house orders cops not to arrest occupy protesters, even if they break the law. would you get the same treatment if you broke the law? meet the new avatar replacing human beings at airports. this is her first ever appearance. we'll bring it to you live. >> for all other groundul transportation needs and other only centrum goes beyond. information wake up!
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream.
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dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brgs more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.
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>> ali: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, august 8. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. are we reaching a new low in the presidential campaign? a campaign ad blaming mitt romney for a woman's death. >> and she passed away in 22
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days. i do not think mitt romney realizes has what he has done to anyone and i don't think mitt romney is concerned. >> ali: and one of the worst parts in that ad, it may not be true. >> brian: at all. stunning accusations, the white house telling federal officials to go easy on occupiers who break the law. the documents that prove it straight ahead. >> steve: and welcome to the future of flying. computerized avatars like that one coming to an airport near you. will they cut down on long lines or just waste your dough as they talk to you? listen. >> authorized by this airport. >> steve: that's good. she's out at la guardia, standing by to take your order. we'll go there live. "fox & friends" hour two for we know starts right now. >> ali: hi, everybody. come right in.
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good morning. nice to see you all. you both. >> brian: whoever you are. >> steve: yeah, ali is in. gretchen is on vacation. brian, we're going to talk about this young woman in a couple of minutes who went for the gold yesterday and had a very moving tribute that nobody else at the olympics has had. >> brian: right. bob costas tried and we are asking this, two new phrases now in webster's, people are scramblebling to put it in. romneyhood and obamaloney. it does remind they that now when you go shopping at the supermarket, you don't have to wait in line. you can order your own obamaloney or bologna and you can go shop. we want you to add different words to the dictionary with 2012 election in mind.
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>> steve: both of the campaigns are using bumper sticker style. >> ali: you send funny ones in. let's get to some headlines. we have new details about the gunman in the deadly search shooting in wisconsin. we're learning 40-year-old wade michael page had a history of alcohol abuse. his drinking costing him his military career and his job. the community coming together last night in a candlelight vigil. hundreds saying prayers in memories of the victims. and laird loughner will be locked up for life. the 23-year-old plead guilty to going on a shooting rampage in tucson last year. in a statement, gabrielle giffords' husband said gabby and i are satisfied with the plea agreement, avoiding a trial will allow us and we hope the whole southern arizona community to continue with our recovery and move forward with our lives. voters in missouri overwhelmingly approving an
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amendment which allows people to pray in public. that includes places like schools examine before government meetings. measure also gives students the right to opt out of any assignment which violates his or her religious beliefs. other states are expected to follow suit. and you're looking at the first official picture of daniel day lewis as abraham lewis. 595-year-old, sport ago gray beard seems a dead ringer for him. his new movie "lincoln," hits theaters this november. >> brian: that will be good. didn't he play my left leg or something? >> steve: my left foot. yeah, he did. we'll have to ask o'reilley about what he thinks about the new lincoln. >> brian: we'll ask him and he'll grunt and keep walk. that's what he usually does when we talk to him in the hall. no. he's very nice. >> steve: bill o'reilly? >> brian: yeah. >> steve: you're right. last week, a lot of people say that harry reid clearly made up the stuff about mitt romney not paying taxes for ten years and
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he was told that by a bain -- >> brian: i don't see any problem with that story. >> steve: well, listen, many feel that was a smear. this week they've outdone themselves in the sleaziest ad yet of the campaign. priorities usa, a pac run by bill burton, who worked in the obama administration, came out with this ad that shows a steelworker. what essentially says is that mitt romney's company caused him to lose his job and his wife died of cancer. >> brian: because she didn't have insurance. but the problem is, his wife was work and had insurance at the time. by the way, mitt romney wasn't even there at the time. >> steve: he left seven years earlier. >> brian: but it happens. it didn't stop this ad from rolling out. >> when mitt romney and bain closed the plant, i lost my health care. and my family lost their health care. and a short time after that, my wife became ill and she passed away in 22 days.
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i do not think mitt romney realizes what he has done to anyone and furthermore, i don't think mitt romney is concerned. >> ali: you know what is interesting about this ad is this man clearly has a sad story. he has a story to tell. his steel plant was shut down and he lost health insurance. that's sad enough. the fact that the pac went further and allowed these dots to be connected between the loss of his job, between mitt romney working at bain in 1999 and then the plant closing in 2001, then this poor man's wife dying in 2006 and allowed all those dots to be connected, it didn't have to jump the shark actually. >> steve: which it did. >> ali: it did because guess what? people sadly die of cancer even when they have health insurance. he can't necessarily blame cancer on mitt romney. >> brian: in this ad they are. and bain capital extended the life of that steel plant for years. they put an investment in to prop it up. i don't know the details, but i
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guess this is one of the few that did not work out with the company and mitt romney wasn't there to see it through anyway. >> steve: he had left a couple years earlier. but after that guy lost his job, his wife still had insurance. she had a job at a thrift shop and she worked there with insurance and she had insurance there on her own for a couple of years before she lost that job. so the firing of her husband had absolutely nothing to do with the wife's health insurance. when you watch that ad, just remember, it is about as deceptive as it gets. >> ali: let's talk about this, you remember all of the occupy protests stretched across the country months ago. well, there is an interesting -- as a result of a freedom of information act, judicial watch was able to pull some of the e-mails between the administration and the -- >> steve: the gas. >> ali: and the department of homeland security to the police. this is in particular in portland, oregon.
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basically it turns out that the gas, the guy in charge of the public buildings service, the commissioner, he had instructed the department of homeland security, which in turn instructed police, not to arrest the protesters in the public park who had chained themselves to a concrete structure. basically the administration had said, let's not arrest any of the occupy protesters, even though they're violating curfew and other public things. >> brian: and break the law and disturbing the peace. >> steve: exactly right. the reason this e-mail exchange happened is because earlier they arrested 11 people at a protest and the administration said, wait a minute, we can't arrest those people of the so now the judicial watch has got this. the guy who heads it up -- >> brian: did he a mini charles nelson reilly there. he was the center square. the president of judicial watch, tom fenton, said we have a new gsa scandal that involves the obama white house. these documents show the federal
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agencies co- lewded with the white house to allow occupy wall street protesters to violate the law with impunity. >> brian: i just say it reminds me of that. you knew something was going o. i know in los angeles the mayor was giving incentives, we'll give you an office, a place to go issues just please get off the street. i'm thinking, why doesn't he just make the arrest? just threaten them with arrest like the rest of the free world when you break the wall? at 8 minutes after the hour, let's talk about something that's not only heroic. you see ali raisman who on gold which is a rare thing for the u.s. in the floor exercise. it didn't stop there. her choice of music was aprop because it was have nagale. and that is a jewish song. she did her floor song playing in the background. afterwards, she went out of her way to do something they wouldn't do in the opening
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ceremony and no ioc official has done in a public forum. that is mark the killing, assassinations of the terrorist attack that took the lives of 11 israeli athletes and coaches. >> ali: here is the quote in which she pays tribute to them. the fact that it was on the 40th anniversary is special. if there had been a moment of silence, i would have supported it and respected it. she's referring to the fact that she won that on the 40th anniversary and thought that was so poignant and perfect timing for her because she's jewish and she's proud of it and played the song and she said she just wanted people to clap along and that's why she chose it. not really as a political statement, but took that opportunity to say what her real feelings were. >> steve: keep in mind, while possible costas says there should be a moment of silence, they didn't really mark the 40th anniversary at all until officially she made those comments yesterday. >> brian: all right. >> steve: good for her. >> brian: it's great. i hope she gets endorsements and
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comes back to our couch. that was the very last exercise in gymnastics in the london games. the very last competition. >> steve: we can stop watching then. >> brian: no, there is plenty more it watch. >> ali: chick-fil-a worker taunted. you remember this -- at the drive through. >> i don't know how you live with yourself and work here. >> ali: the man behind the camera says he's sorry. is that enough? that worker break her silence on this. >> brian: then experts say president obama needs to move a little more to the center to win 2012. why is he asking jimmy carter to speak at the dnc? our political panel here to weigh in hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so...
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>> what i thought was if he wins, this is going to be sort of a traditional, typical democratic administration. liberal, certainly more liberal than i would like. that's not what it's been. it's way over there to the left. >> steve: way over there to the left. former vice president dick cheney commenting on president obama's first term in office. as we head toward the november election, some expected the president to govern more toward the center, move toward the center, appealing to swing leaders like bill clinton did in 1997. but with the president's reelection team choosing to have jimmy carter and elizabeth warren address this year's democratic national convention, is he actually moving further to the left rather than the center? let's talk to our political panel. a democratic strategist and fox news contributor. james freeman is assistant editorial page editor at the "wall street journal." and let's welcome back pete snyder, republican strategist and the new insist fox news contributor. great to have you all.
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>> thanks. >> steve: gerald, ladies first. you think this idea of having jimmy carter speak is brilliant. >> i think jimmy cart service a great humanitarian. i think the bigger issue is that the people that are speaking at the convention represent -- >> steve: by the way, he's going to speak via video. >> exactly. but the people speak at the convention basically reflect the diversity of the people at the party. what the president needs to do is lay out his vision and distinguish that vision which is very different from mitt romney. he compromised on the bush tax cuts with the republicans. so he's open to compromise. he's not that guy that's not open to compromise. number two, he also offered the grand bargain, which was more spending cuts than it was in terms -- which offered more spending cuts -- >> steve: i don't think we ever heard the president of the united states actually talk, pete, about the details of how he was going to cut social security and stuff like that. >> steve, i got to disagree with tara. jimmy captainer -- >> steve: first day here and you're disagreeing?
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>> this guy has not been relevant since abba had a hit. but it's a shrewd move by the president. his strategy is, you think i'm bad, this guy was horrible. so that line - up, i just don't think connects with america. >> he's definitely not moving to the center. i think if you're looking for historical comparisons, it's probably go back to walter mondale. think of someone running for reelection and putting a tax increase at the center of their agenda. so there is no move to the center. >> steve: what about the fact that the president tara what, he's doing is removing the requirement that you've got to work if you want to get welfare? that was bill clinton's signature achievement and he's throwing that out. once again, people say he's pandering to the left. >> that's not pandering to the left. what he's doing is offering the states waiver sos they can design their own welfare to work program. >> steve: so every state could be different. >> so every state could be different, as long as they play by the rules. the reality is, that's what mitt romney asked for. he signed a letter asking for
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this very program that president obama has now offered. so it's hypocrasy from the right. and political facts say it's not true. >> barak obama is system athlete dismantling the bill clinton legacy, piece by piece. >> bill clinton would disagree with you. >> bill clinton was a centrist. barak obama has governed as a far leftist. he campaigned as a partisan candidate. he has run the most negative campaign that we've seen in 50 years. >> i don't know. i think mitt romney has him beat on that front. >> calling someone a murderer? come on. >> this is a base election. he's got to turn out young people. >> steve: he's energizing his left base because right now there is no interest. >> that's the agenda and that's the line - up of the convention. >> shins is infrastructure spending, wanting more infrastructure -- >> steve: that really lights the fire of an 18-year-old!
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>> it's fantasy he's governing to the left. >> he's burying our next generation. >> steve: stop it, kids. this is great. the panel sticking around. the topic that everybody is talking about this morning, the ad wars hit a new low. the latest ad from the obama side implying that mitt romney is responsible for a woman's death. then we're introducing to you a new avatar replacing people at airports. we'll bring it to you live. she's not real, unlike this panel. they're all real human beings, i believe.
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it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter.
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>> brian: time for your news by the numbers. 1.7 million. that's how many illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in the united states thanks to president obama's dream act. that's more than double the original estimate. oops. next, 14 cents. that's how much more you'll be paying for papa john's pizza because of obamacare. the ceo says he needs to keep up with the costs to having to offer healthcare. no pepperoni. finally, $7 billion. that's how much the government is spending in contracts to make sure our military goes green and boosts its use of renewable energy. steve. >> steve: thank you. have we hit a new low in the presidential campaign? a pro-obama super pac launching this ad that implies mitt romney is responsible for a woman's death by cancer.
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here is a snippet. >> mitt romney and bain closed the plant. i lost my health care. and my family lost their health care. and a short time after that, my wife became ill and she passed away in 22 days. i do not think mitt romney realizes what he's done to anyone and i furthermore do not think mitt romney is concerned. >> steve: ouch. does it cross the line? we're back with our political panel. pete, we'll start with you. crosses the line? >> absolutely. steve, look through history. back 200 years and politics isn't bean bag, people are called sally wag, cheat, you name it. cross dressers, you name it. murderer? are you serious? >> steve: this is new. >> coming from the president's super pac, bill burton on record in 2008 saying how horrible negative ads are, that they're going to lift the tone. barak obama, post-partisan president, murderer? this guy is desperate.
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>> steve: tara? >> i don't think the president or the super pacs or anyone else is calling mitt romney a murderer. >> steve: you watched the ad! seems like mitt romney left the company -- mitt romney's company bankrupted this guy's steel company and then his wife lost the insurance and then she died of cancer. unfortunately, it's not true because after he lost his job with the steel company, she was still working at a thrift shop and she had her own insurance for a couple of years until she was laid off from the thrift shop. so the fact that he lost his insurance had nothing to do with her. >> the woman did die of cancer. but the point is, that's not even the point. the point is that the president nor any super pac associated with him, no one is calling mitt romney -- >> steve: that's the point! >> they're attacking his record at bain. mitt romney is rung on his record at bain and they're looking -- punching holes in his record because they can. if there are holes to be punched -- >> there is no hole there. the company would would have gone bust and he would have lost his insurance earlier if bain had not invested. they rescued it.
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it thrived for years. the crisis in the industry went down and then they hit the rocks. but the president needs to be very careful with this argument because by this logic, romney killed this woman. president obama has killed many more people because if you're saying everyone who was thrown out of work under his administration and then lost their coverage -- let's face it, sometimes people die even if they've never worked for bain capital and even if they -- >> who is calling who a murderer? >> steve: what about the -- that's such a good point, tara. what about the thousands of people who have lost their jobs on barak obama's watch run in this economy? they lost their insurance. they've gotten sick. mitt romney? i would imagine since this super pac made that ad, mitt romney could make an ad and look at thousands of people did that. this is so low! >> first of all, this particular ad and many ads like this have
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come from the republicans. newt gingrich ran a similar ad. >> steve: this is going to backfire on the president. >> this is going to backfire on the president. >> desperate campaign. you run a ad like this, you're desperate. >> mitt romney did not expect the president to push back. he's the king of dirty campaigning. look what he did to rick santorum, newt gingrich. >> please! you're even laughing. >> steve: ask. before you all go, i think so many people are asking, it's deceptive on many different levels. on the "washington post" scale of pinocchios, 1 being kind of a fib and 4 being just pants on fire lie, how many would you give this ad? >> i guess it's 4, although like i said, obama has blood on his hands if this makes any sense. >> steve: tara?
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>> if there is some evidence out there that what this man was not hurt by mitt romney, he's saying he was hurt by mitt romney. >> i'll give friday the 13th 13 pinocchios. >> steve: great to see you today. thanks very much. have you seen this? a chick-fil-a worker taunted at her post at the drive-through. >> i don't know how you live with yourself and work here. >> steve: that worker now breaking her silence and what she says is stunning. and do corruption and corporate scandals have you wondering if your money is really safe any place in a big institution? dave ramsey here next with a plan for the truly fed up. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin.
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>> this is my free water? >> it is. >> you know why i'm getting this? >> i do not. >> because chick-fil-a is a hateful corporation. >> i disagree. >> i know. >> we don't treat any of our customers differently. >> i know. but the corporation gives money to hate groups. i don't know how you live with yourself and work here. i don't understand it. this is a horrible corporation with horrible values.
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>> we're here to serve you. >> you deserve better. you deserve better. okay? >> i hope you have a really nice day. >> i will. i just did something really good. thank you so much. >> steve: i just did something really good. i don't think so. adam smith. >> brian: he has changed his mind. since he posted that video, he lost his job and he watches that video back and he really feels sick to his stomach, he claims. >> ali: of course. but you feel good for the young woman at the drive through. she was composed. she comported herself with such grace and dignity in a very tough situation. at one point she said, i'm not comfortable with you filming me, by the way. but he didn't stop. and so her name is rachel elizabeth. she's the employee and let's listen. she's now broken her silence about this. let's listen to what she has to say about adam smith. >> i do forgive adam smith. i think he realizes how bad it was to make that tape and i feel really sorry for him and his family and everything that's
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happened to him since wednesday. >> steve: you know one of the reasons that's really big of her is the fact that he was trying to egg her on. he was trying to get a confrontation on tape. but she had so much style and so much poise under pressure, she wasn't going to take the bait. congratulations. >> ali: and furthermore o'clock the fact that she forgives him. she doesn't have any animosity and feels bad before him. >> steve: he was trying to corner her where she would look bad and have it on tape for the whole world to see. >> brian: see, to me, i'm a big grudge guy. i like holding grudges. so i would hold on to this for a while, which means an ulcer is just around the corner. but how about you? was she right to forgiven him? do you really believe he wants forgiveness or does he want a job back and his integrity back? you think he's being manipulative with the public to try to win us over? >> steve: he was the cfo at a company, the chief financial officer. lost the job that day.
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>> brian: it goes to show, if you are an executive, eat at your desk. don't go to a drive through. see the big picture. >> ali: let's get to your headlines. we have a lot to tell you because the university of colorado lawyers up, just one day after a report reveals that the school was warned about james holmes. sources say holmes' psychiatrist asked a campus police officer for a background check six weeks before the movie theater massacre. but nothing was apparently ever done. 12 people died and 58 others were injured in that attack. >> brian: the stars lining up for the republican national convention got brighter. >> i'm really proud tonight to announce as well a very prominent role for governor scott walker. my governor from wisconsin. >> brian: walker, becoming the first u.s. governor to survive a recall challenge. four other new names are scheduled to speak. florida attorney general pam bondy, former texas solicitor
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general and u.s. senate nominee, ted cruz, puerto rico governor lewis fortunio. both of you against me. steve? >> steve: it was the last one. >> brian: and georgia attorney general sam olens. >> steve: very good. >> brian: thank you. i wonder about newt gingrich, is he going to get a nod? >> steve: we'll find out. >> brian: what about clint eastwood? he came out over the weekend. >> steve: that's right. anything else? >> brian: nothing. >> steve: all right. moving on, cardinal timothy dolan says he's willing to share one night of camaraderie with president obama despite their differences on social issues and a lawsuit as well. he's extended an invite to the president as well as mitt romney to speak at an upcoming catholic charity event in new york city. both men accepted. you may remember the archdiocese of new york is among 40 catholic groups suing the president over his healthcare mandate, which
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says employers must provide health care insurance that covers birth control. the catholic church says they can't do it, but the federal government says they must. hence, the lawsuit. >> ali: comedian john lovett revealing he received death threats from fellow democrats, he says, following an april show where he criticized president obama for saying that the rich don't pay their fair share. the threats were left on a voice mail. he says he's not worried about his safety. he's fired up because he's now accused of being a racist. yeah. that's the ticket. >> steve: now you're doing voices. >> brian: ali, he owns a comedy club. it took him three years to break even of the he was a little resent of the of the president saying he's not paying his fair share. >> ali: thank you for that back story. >> brian: i have a little sports. the olympics, an all american beach volleyball final.
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let's look at the current medal count. we're close to leading. china in the lead with 34 and 73 overall. the u.s. has 30 gold and 70 total. great britain having a great olympics, as you see there in the solid third with 48. south korea, kick butt against the north at the very least. and ahead of russia. take that, russia. hey, he keeps break olympic records. so usain bolt thinking about trying an entirely new sport. i'm thinking football. american football. he's thinking soccer. bolt telling the british newspaper that the sun, he'd like to play for manchester united and would be the fastest play on the team. i would say that's a given. but can you control the ball? ferdinand exchanging tweets and offering a to help make it happen. to me, he should go right to the nfl where bob hayes has done something similar years ago and ends up in the hall of fame. a scary moment, a 432-pound bar bell came crashing down, even metric, that's going to hurt.
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defending olympic champ stiner from germany, amaze iingly, he was able to walk away b you but today withdraw from the contest. that's some of the dangers of power lifting. >> steve: he's okay though, right? >> brian: he's okay, as much as you can be okay by not being in the competition. >> steve: he's not hurt? >> brian: maybe emotionally, yeah. >> ali: meanwhile, consumer confidence taking a hit in light of the recent banking scandals and glitches. so how do you look out for your own money now? >> steve: joining us live, personal finance expert, dave ramsey. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? >> steve: doing okay. you got five tips and we're going to go through them quickly. you have so much to talk about. find a financial advisor with the heart of a teacher. what does that mean? >> that's the big thing. about 85% of the people in the financial world are salespeople. 15% of them are teachers. you want the one that is a teacher 'cause you want to learn what you're putting your money
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in. that will keep you from getting involved in a bad deal like scam or scandal. >> ali: how can you tell who is good, by the way? >> i think you'll is this feeling when you walk away whether you've been sold or whether you've been taught. and for married couples, obviously both of you need to be in the meeting and talk about how you felt with this person. that is a valid part of the discussion. >> brian: you also say the big picture, think long-term, big picture when investing. how long and at what age? >> at any age when you're putting money aside for a short-term, we call that savings and that's five years or less. when you're investing, you're going to be leaving the money alone at least five years or more. that's how we define those terms. >> steve: okay. you also like mutual funds. a lot of people try play that casino called wall street. you say invest in mutual funds for roth ira and 401(k) as well. >> a lot of these scandals that are out there had to do with single stock problems and companies recommending certain single stocks. you avoid that if go into the diversionification of a good
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growth stock mutecal -- mutual fund. that's what i have my money in. >> ali: after all of the real estate woes of these past couple of years, how do you recommend people treat that now? >> real estate is a great investment. it's on sale. we're at k-mart and the blue light is on. this is a great time to be buying real estate. understand, you've got more involvement than with a mutual fund. you have the hassle factor of dealing with the rental aspect and it's more of an imperfect market which is good and bad. >> steve: what you're suggesting is, buy a house if you can down the street and rent it out? >> absolutely. owning real estate, owning mutual funds, real basic things keep you out of scandals. if you try not to get too fast indicated -- fancy, you'll stay out of the scams. >> brian: do you feel real estate bottomed out? >> it depends on the market. real estate is like politics. some of it has bottomed out, most hasn't. most places it has bottomed out. >> steve: something else that's local is the bank, along with
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politics. use a local banker or credit union. why? >> well, you want to stay away from the bank of america, the chases, these huge things. the customer service is horrendous. the training is horrible. the customer experience in general has been really, really bad. and it sets you up for all sorts of problems. if you stay with your local bank and local credit union, at most a regional bank, you avoid a lot of problems. >> ali: that's easier said than done. all those big banks, big national ones are popping up on every street corner and the local ones are going away. >> as soon as you go into a local one, one of the big ones buys them. that's what's your facing there. you kind of got to watch what you're doing. don't accept bad service as if you're flying on a commercial airline with your money. >> brian: by the way, if go to t.d. bank, regis and kelly aren't there. >> steve: but they do have the machine. >> ali: dave ramsey, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> brian: straight ahead, have
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you ever thought about how healthy your doctor is? well, you should. it turns out it affects your treatment. >> steve: hold on, doctor. i'm going to do your blood pressure. >> ali: he's ditching the judge's table on "america's next top model" but he's not done picking pretty faces. gaugele barker -- nigel barker is here to explain. come on in ♪ the one and only, cheerios [ thunder crashes ] [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them.
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and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk.
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they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete.
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>> ali: former judge on "america's next top model," nigel barker weeded out the women and helped choose the winning catwalker on the reality show. >> brian: it was a grueling endeavor. now nigel is moving on from judge to host of the upcoming new tv modeling competition show called "the face." guess who is here? >> steve: the guy with the face. gaugele barker joins us live. >> good morning. >> steve: what happened? tyra banks said i'm sick of all you people, get out of here, i'm starting with fresh faces.
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>> i did 17 seasons of top model. it's on its 19th season. we'd great run. and i guess she did a bit of house cleaning. as far as we're concerned, the whys, it was tough, but we managed to take what we learned from that experience and move on. >> steve: the last i heard, you're on a new show. >> which is wonderful. naomi, other judges, they'll be the model mentors and basically sort of redo the whole genre. >> ali: when you say naomi, you mean naomi campbell who is a little scandalous at times. >> she can be, i guess. you know, people blow things up. but at the same time, it also makes a great television and great personality and she's an exciting person to watch the we haven't seen that much of her on tv. we heard all the scandals. >> steve: you see no evidence of a fit of any kind? just answer the question. is that a yes or no? >> i see fits all the time. i live in a world of fits.
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i try to be there to be the grounding force. >> brian: you don't know what it's like working with her. you have to wear a helmet. phones flying around. in the face, how is it different? >> it will be very, very different. it's not the same kind of thing. this is real business in that we've got three girls in the business who will be leading our contestants through the actual -- the whole process of modeling, the fashion shows, photo shoots. but one on one. these girls will be mentoring them and basically have naomi campbell saying this is how i would do this. cocoa saying, no, i'm going to do it like this. carolina saying, we did it like this. it will be fun and exciting. >> ali: tell us what doing with your charity. >> third year too long the nine west runway relief campaign. it launches at fashion week coming up which is very exciting. nine west created a whole range of gear, from boots to t-shirts to jeans to even thongs by hankie panky,.
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>> steve: thongs? >> something for everyone. you can support breast cancer in your underwear, which is the exciting part of all of this. >> brian: that's where the money goes? >> it's going to fashion nine breast cancer, which is the charity of choice and you can sponsor the models yourself. the big idea of this whole campaign is that nine west is sponsoring the models during fashion week, in theory, for every step they take, a donation is made. you can pick a model and sponsor one. >> ali: did you bring a song for steve. >> i heard that he had put it on. >> brian: that's very nice. >> steve: what are you talking about? >> ali: great to talk to you. great to meet you. >> thank you. >> brian: there is life after tyra. that's what i get. >> ali: next up, meet marie, she's the new avatar replacing humans at airports. we're talking to her live from her first day on the job next. >> steve: we're not going to ask nigel about how she's dressed. >> brian: she can't hear him. >> steve: first on this date in
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1970 "close to you" by the carpenters, number one. ♪ just like me they long to be ♪ close to you ♪ on the day that wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> steve: during a recent segment concerning tony robins fire walk experience in san jose, california, we reported more than two dozen participants were hospitalized with burns. a few of the 6,000 received minor burns akin to a sunburn. they received on site medical attention and continued to participate in the event. none were hospitalized and there were no reported third degree burns. we understand news reports to the contrary were inaccurate. now you know. >> brian: all right.
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7 minutes before the top of the hour. the future of the flying life size computer generated avatars could be greeting you before you board your next flight. they're part of a pilot program popping up in several airports around the country. >> ali: heather is live at la guardia airport with these employees on their first day on the job. hey, heather. >> that's right. good morning. i'd like to introduce you to marie. it is her first day on the job. she's basically an avatar, kind of like a hologram. and the point of her is to help guide passengers to where they need to go with efforts to improve customer service here at la guardia. she recites a 90-second script. here to explain is the general manager here at the airport. good morning. >> thank you. >> what is the point of marie? >> maly is an avatar, part of the port authority's program implemented here at la guardia
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at newark and kennedy airports to use kind of a novel technology to answer some of the customers' in our terminals basic questions. >> she can basically tell people how to find the gates, how it find baggage claim? >> yes. and marie affectionately dubbed as after marie who was the wife of the airport's name sake and former mayor of new york city. she can do that. she can tell people where restrooms are located, where they can find a taxi, where they can find baggage claim, concessions. >> that's what our brian kilmeade wants to know. he wants to know how to find the bathroom and steve wants to know how to find it. i got you. she's not interactive. you can't ask her a question, right? >> no. rye now she has a secret she repeats every 90 seconds. when someone crosses within 0 feet of -- 30 feet of her, she'll go into her script. >> we're now on the arrival section. so she's telling people exactly whering it. how much does she cost?
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>> each avatar costs approximately $60,000. >> who is paying for this? the taxpayers? >> absolutely not. this is a port authority paying for these as part of a tech program that assesses it and we'll decide if we want to keep it. >> you are expanding this airport significantly so passengers who come into la guardia have something to keep an eye out for? >> we are. we have $2.4 billion program to demolish this building and build a brand-new terminal to serve the future demand for this airport overt next 20 years. tell greg kelly that even though he wants our number, i just want to warn him, she's a little shallow, if you notice. >> okay. that's a look at her here. by the way, she's also going to be appearing at jfk airport, newark airport, boston and dulles, south side of washington, d.c.
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>> steve: dismiss around. >> ali: she also talks a lot. she interrupt has lot. >> steve: off lot in common. >> ali: oh! >> brian: thanks, guys. that was so -- you should go. >> steve: you mean like storm off the set? hold on. is immediate eye rolling? >> brian: i can't believe you said that. >> ali: the latest name rumored to be on mitt romney's list still works for president obama. >> brian: check this out. this is sad. zoo chimp trying to get an assist with an escape. he's trying to get people to open up the window and let him out. does the man do it? we'll let you know when we come back. a chimp could be loose. and all in real time. which makes it just like having your own trading floor,
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right at your fingertips. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. try our easy-to-use scottrader streaming quotes. it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade.
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latex beds, and now beds infused with gel? but through all the fads, 6 million people have found their best night's sleep on something else. ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep. [ male announcer ] so next time you hear that gel is the answer to sleeping hot, know that tempur-pedic beds have been proven in independent tests to sleep cooler than the leading gel beds. just ask me. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. >> ali: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, august 8. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. you remember this woman, sandra fluke? >> contraception as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.
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>> ali: her comments causing huge controversy and the president bringing her out on the campaign trail today. we're live in washington. >> steve: and an unlikely candidate rumored to be on mitt's list of vp's. he's got an impresssive record. one problem? he works for president obama. you think he'll give leave of absence? probably not. >> brian: i'm not sure. romneyhood, obamaloney, which one works for you? the battle of the bumper sticker phrases and your e-mails, your tweets are pouring in. we're there, we're the pitcher. we're capturing them and read them out loud. "fox & friends" starts right now >> steve: welcome aboard. ali is in for gretch who is on vacation. good to have you. >> ali: good to be here. if you have great suggestions for both campaigns. they should call each other. it is a slug fest on the air waves between the new ads from president obama and mitt romney.
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there is one that many say goes way too far. fox's doug mcelway is live at the white house with this. >> both campaigns resorting to all-out warfare over dueling campaign ads that the opposition claims are patently false. first, the obama campaign absolutely livid over a romney ad that claims the obama administration is dispensing with the work requirement of welfare reform that was passed in the 1990s under the clinton administration. the component of welfare reform that requires recipients to either seek a job or seek job training. here is a little of that ad. >> president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform. >> yesterday jay carney tore into the veracity of that ad. here he is. >> from a policy standpoint, let me say that this advertisement is cat goriccally false and it is blatantly dishonest.
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this administration's policy will strengthen the program by giving states the opportunity to employ more effective ways to help people get off welfare and into a job. >> former president clinton under whose administration that reform was passed is also criticizing the advertisement. governor romney is sticking by it, sticking by it tooth and nail. here is governor romney yesterday speaking about it. >> president obama in just the last few days has tried to reverse that accomplishment by taking the work requirement out of welfare! that is wrong. if i'm president, i'll put work back in welfare! >> also coming under unusually strong criticism is this ad by the pro-obama super pac, priority, usa which strongly suggests that romney's work at bain capital and bain's decision to close a steel plant ultimately led to the cancer death of this man, joe's wife, here is a little of that ad. >> by the end it was stage 4. there was nothing they could do
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for her. she passed away in 2 -- >> the romney campaign and many critics have absolutely condemned that ad for blatant falsehood. in fact, in thank is fact, romney was only ceo of bain capital at the time that steel plant was closed as a figure head. he was no longer active in the corporation. by the time joe's wife had been diagnosed with cancer, romney had entirely left bain capital. he was working with the salt lake city olympics and had no role in it whatsoever. as much as the american public claims to despise these kinds of advertisements, history has shown time and time again that they are absolutely effective. that's why the campaigns air them and that's why they stand by them examine defend them when they come under criticism. back to you in new york. >> brian: although this one is extremely hard to defend, especially in light of what you just said. >> absolutely. >> brian: thanks so much. people so busy, they're barely paying attention. they'll go, yeah, that's the guy that steals health insurance
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from people with cancer. i'll vote for the other guy. >> steve: so they don't know the story that apparently after this guy lost his job, his wife was working at a thrift shop and had her own insurance through the thrift shop for a couple of years until she was laid off there, apparently she had an injury of some sort. and then it was a couple years after that, after she lost her insurance that she died. >> brian: as soon as friday, we could be finding out the answer to this question: who will mitt romney's running mate be? >> ali: interesting new name that is being bandied about that you haven't heard before and it is the c.i.a. director, general david petraeus. now, the source of this supposedly was -- they asked that it came from a fund-raiser who president obama told privately at some sort of function that he he believed tht petraeus was going to be picked. that's the only source and jay carney has shut that down. >> steve: plus the c.i.a.'s come out and said that petraeus has
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no plans to become a candidate for any elected office. >> brian: i won't believe it until i see it on wikileaks. >> steve: carl cameron sat down with mitt romney yesterday and talked about the importance of the guy or gal he's going to choose to be number two. >> we find out jeb bush and condoleeza rice and rick santorum, your former rival, have been given speaking engagements of the rnc convention. so they're off your long list? >> you don't think we would be so silly as to not provide from time to time the capacity to throw people off, do you? the fact that someone is speaking at the convention doesn't mean that they wouldn't necessarily find their speaking slot changed from one time to another. >> are you closer to a decision? >> yes. we were together, what, two weeks ago? less than that. >> a week ago today. >> i'm a week closer than i was a week ago. >> steve: karl rove is one who said what brian was talking
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about where we could have an answer by friday, who it is. although at the same time, he thinks that probable lea the odds are we'll have a name by next week. >> brian: one of the keys is, mitt romney's wife, ann romney's horse has to be ousted from the olympics. he's heading home. >> steve: hafalca is the horse. >> ali: here is an interesting snippet. the obama campaign, one of the directors there for the obama for president in florida, has sent out an e-mail blast -- >> brian: you talking about ashley walker? >> ali: she sent out an e-mail blast where she is apparently asking people to provide some sort of dirt on marco rubio. she sent out this saying, share what you think the rest of the country should know about what rubio has really done in florida. ed good, the bad, and the ugly and why he would be a disaster as our next vice president. >> steve: apparently they did the same thing in ohio look for dirt on rob portman.
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>> brian: can't you find your own work! >> steve: here is the thing, why do you need real dirt? real information about somebody? why tonight you just call harry reid and he can make something up. >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: why not? >> brian: i talked to a guy and prove it's true. >> steve: i talked to a guy maybe who said something baby. >> ali: call me maybe. let's get to your headlines right now. we want to tell you the tea party surging to another strong win in a republican primary. missouri congressman todd aiken, winning a three-way race to face democratic senator claire mccass kill in november. this could give control of the senate back to republicans. aiken says republicans face a very clear choice. >> claire mccass kill voted for big government, big spending and less liberty and i'm going to vote for less government, less spending and more liberty. [ cheers and applause ] >> ali: in michigan, former congressman pete hoekstra
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winning a gop primary. he will face democratic senator debbie stab noe. jared loughner pleaded guilty to a shooting last year. six people died. in a statement, gabrielle giffords' husband says gabby and i are satisfied with this plea agreement. avoiding a trial will allow us to continue with our recovery and move forward with our lives. now to the latest fallout from that temple shooting in wisconsin. police have arrested the ex-girlfriend of the gunman on unrelated gun charge. misty cook lived with page until june when he moved out and they apparently stopped talking. we're also learning that page had a history of alcohol abuse. his drinking costing him his military career and more recently his job. meanwhile, the community of oak creek coming together last night at a candlelight vigil. hundreds saying prayers in memories of the victims.
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seven people, including the gunman, died. talk about being unfit for the job, overweight doctors are more likely to give their patients inferior care. one stunning example, 93% of doctors admit they only diagnose and treat patients for obesity if it's clear the patient is visibly heavier than they are. interesting. meanwhile -- >> brian: this is a sad story. >> ali: brian loves this. a chimp making an attempt to get out of a zoo in england. >> oh, he wants the window up. >> ali: oh, my gosh. the animal caught asking the visitors on the other side of the glass to help him escape. is he maybe asking for a banana. >> brian: maybe he wants change for a dollar. >> ali: he did not get the get away that he was looking for. >> brian: he you remember zoo keeper starring the guy from "king of queens."
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he actually talked to the animals. they have a lot to say. >> steve: they do. earlier i said miley. i meant carly rea. >> brian: earlier we asked you being that romneyhood is a new name by president obama to talk about what his economic policy is. then we heard obamaloney. that describes president obama. what terms do you think we should start digesting? >> steve: we'll share some of them. first, let's hear where both these words were invented. here are the men themselves. >> it's like robin hood in reverse. it's romneyhood. >> we've been watching the president say a lot of things about me and about my policies. and it's just not right. and if i were to coin a term, it would be obamaloney. >> steve: well, we asked you to coin some terms and we've got a couple of them. >> brian: too many to list. here is two. >> ali: go ahead.
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>> steve: here is one from mike in connecticut. baraknaphobia. >> brian: o bummer. and obelia, blah, blah oblama. we need some for mitt romney for the president to give to mitt romney. >> ali: i like romneyhood. i like that one better than obamaloney. because it has a positive committeation. it could be delicious. >> steve: the problem with romneyhood is it reminds you of robin hood. he says this is reverse. >> steve: it's not perfect. we're looking for good ones. >> brian: we don't want to do it. we want you to do our job. >> steve: that's all.
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>> ali: a new pro-obama super pac ad implies mitt romney is responsible for a woman's death from cancer. >> when mitt romney and bain closed the plant, i lost my health care. my family lost their health care and a short time after that, my wife became ill. >> ali: did this ad go too far or is this just politics as usual? >> brian: then how did joan rivers end up next to a shopping cart? please answer to yourself. we'll give you the answer when we come back. is this the aflac trivia question of the day? >> steve: no. >> brian: oh check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic for amazing doorbuster deals -
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plus extra savings up to $100 during our scope trade-in sale.
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>> steve: let's talk politics.
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the most vicious anti-bain ad yet a pro obama super pac launching a new political ad implying mitt romney is responsible for a woman's death from cancer. take a listen. >> when mitt romney and bain closed the plant, i lost my health care. and my family lost their health care. and a short time after that, my wife became ill and she passed away in 22 days. i do not think mitt romney realizes what he's done to anyone. i furthermore, do not think mitt romney is concerned. >> steve: is it politics as usual or does it go too far? peter johnson, jr. is here. >> good morning. i think it goes too far. the term cancer on the presidency was once associated with richard nixon. i think for now and forever more, it will be owned by the obama presidency. what we're seeing is really morally bankrupt charge of murder and it really couldn't be imagined or envisioned in any free state. it is the stuff of totalitarian
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states. it is the stuff of the big lie technique that we've seen throughout history. and obviously it's not put out by the president's campaign, but it's put out by his good buddies and former associates and it is morally bankrupt. it is inaccurate and totally false based on the facts, and obviously when the president is questioned about it, he should condemn it and ask that it be pulled. it's not a negative ad in the sense of negative ads and we'll hear some of the apologists on the left today say, well, jefferson and adams, they said terrible things about each other. but i'm not aware in any presidential campaign, that someone has accused someone of the death of a woman from lung cancer six years after a person left a business and somehow he's responsible for this tragic stage 4 cancer. >> steve: yeah, 'cause when you watch the ad, the impression is after you watch it, mitt romney
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kind of killed that guy's wife. here is what mr. romney's spokesperson says to it. president obama's allies continue to use discredited and dishonest attacks in a contemptible effort to conceal the administration's deplorable economic policies. >> that's a lot of language and maybe too much language in the romney camp. it's a cesspool and so when you see character assassination like this and what harry reid did and these other attacks that somehow we have the whole picture now, mr. romney is a racist, felon who killed a woman with lung cancer. when does this stop? when does the mccarthyism end in america? what's the next step? should the romney campaign issue an ad saying that the people who are killed in major hasan's rampage should call upon mr. obama for an apology? if he somehow culpable in that?
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are the people who died from seal team 6 on the helicopter after the seal team 6 was outed, should they and their families say to the white house, we hold you responsible for that? when we hear about death panels under obamacare, should we say, mr. president, you're responsible for that? this has got to stop. it's got to stop on all sides. let's talk about the issues. let's get it out of the toilet. this is in the toilet. >> steve: indeed. peter johnson, jr., you're right. thank you very much. >> see you. >> steve: 'cause it's down there. meanwhile, speaking of down there, would you risk dropping your baby down there to catch a foul ball? this guy did. watch him. what do you think his wife thinks about that with the baby on board? then, when you give your kids an allowance, do they spend it or save it? bill rancic, who won the apprentice, here with advise for any parent trying to raise a responsible young man or woman. good morning, bill. hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team.
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>> brian: fox news alert. pictures of a fire at one world trade center in lower manhattan. the fdy has 84 firefighters on the scene right now. the fire is on the 88th floor. it broke out about a half hour ago. right now there are no reports of injuries. we will know more shortly. we'll bring it to you live. the building won't be totally done 'til 2014. i'm wondering how much water flows there that allows the guys to plug in and put it out. >> steve: sure. even before building is completed during construction, they do have fire suppression techniques. don't know. unclear at this stage what they
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have working down there at the world trade center site. meanwhile, moving on, we'll keep you posted. if congress doesn't act soon, we may be slapped with nearly $400 billion in tax hikes by the end of the year. >> ali: to avoid a fiscal cliff or to deal with it, some u.s. businesses are cutting back on hiring workers. but could this actually fuel an economic slow down? >> we're joined by bill rancic. hey, bill. >> good morning to you. >> brian: what about that question, could it slow down the economy in an effort to cut back? >> i think absolutely. i think people are preparing for worst case scenarios. i'm a business owner. my wife and i own a couple of restaurants in chicago. we're not taking it that far, but i think bigger businesses are anticipating worst case scenarios. instead of asking yourself how much can i make, people are saying, how much could i lose? it's a much different mindset for entrepreneurs. >> ali: business owners who are not hiring people because they fear tax increases, is that practical or are they being
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scaredy cats? >> there is a lot of things to consider. tax increases, healthcare situation. there's a lot of variables that come into play. they're planning for worst case scenarios. if they've got to allocate more money to tax, it will take away from the jobs they're hiring. >> steve: plus the uncertainty because they're talking about cut -- with the sequestration thing, there could be tens of thousands of layoffs. as companies plan, they have to plan for do we need to hire more people? what if we do, then we'll be stuck? >> like i tell my wife, is that person you need or you want? >> ali: the latter. speak of your wife, what an exciting month four guys. you are expecting a baby at the end of this month. >> can you believe it? >> ali: no. it's been a long journey for you guys. how are you feeling? >> we've had a long journey. and we are excited. so we're about 30 days away and got a little son coming. definitely gearing up, getting all the proper equipment that we need and taking classes on parenting. >> steve: is he on an allowance
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yet? >> we're work on it. he's going to be working at a young age like i was. >> steve: you have financial tips for parents watching to help their kids get a concept of what money is because kids just don't. >> the best advice my dad ever gave me, he always used to say, it's not how much you make, it's how much you save. that's so true. >> steve: we just put your dad's words on the screen. >> that's quick. >> brian: we anticipated it. don't try to keep up with the joneses, play your own game. what do you mean? >> when you're little, you always want what the kid next door has and it transfers over as adults. if your neighbor has this fancy car, a lot of us trio keep up with the people next door. you got to play your own game. set your own goals and revisit them on a regular basis. my wife and i sit down and review our financial goals often. >> ali: you say check your ego did he door. what does that mean for kids? >> it's something you will transfer over as an adult. don't try to do everything. and i'm not a money manager, but i found someone that i trust that is very good at when he does. and he handles a lot of my
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investments and managing my money. i think that's what you have to do. so many people and entwhistles especially -- entrepreneurs think they can do is t at all. >> brian: do you think donald trump will check his ego at the door? >> he surrounds himself with great people. >> brian: he has tremendous self confidence you picked up. >> steve: bill, thank you for joining us. good luck with the restaurants in chicago. >> ali: in the next segment, we show baby gadgets. there is babies over there. >> steve: straight ahead on this wednesday, remember the small town police chief collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in pension money? being kicked off the job might be the best thing that could have happened to him. now he's set to collect eve more dough. >> brian: he's suing. oh, baby, we've got some of the best baby gadgets out there for your newborn. how about a smart phone disguised as a baby toy? it's a genius.
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>> steve: look, my son is roaming. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. to drive a car filled with as much advanced technology as the world around it. with the available lexus enform app suite, you can use opentable tmake restaurant servations... search wi bing... and listen to pandora.
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it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious.
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we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management >> brian: update. fox news alert. possible fire at the world trade center in lower manhattan. we told you about three minutes ago. it's on the 88th floor. but according to police radios,
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the threat may indeed be over. some officers on the scene suspected welding activity may have appeared like fire prompting witnesses calling for help. it hasn't been officially confirmed. at last check, 84 firefighters were on the scene. we have an additional report that says they have four engines and four trucks that have been asked to stick around. the rest have been told, you can go. so that's good news. >> ali: let's hope it's just welding activity. the university of colorado flairs up -- lawyers up one day after a report reveals the school was warned about james holmes. his psychiatrist asked a campus police officer for a background check six weeks before the movie theater massacre, but nothing was apparently ever done. 12 people died and 58 others injured in that attack. >> brian: remember the corruption scandal in california where nearly dozen city officials were fired for drawing huge salaries? one official is suing for severance pay. former chief of police, randy
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adams, receiving, get this, $22,000 a month in pension payments. but he says he deserves even more since he never technically agreed to give up his service. that's not the only money issue plaguing america's broke state. we're learning several california school districts are paying loan shark type rates 'cause they can no longer afford to take out traditional loans. one example, one school district in san diego. they are borrowing $105 million now. taxpayer also have to pay back nearly 10 times that amount within 40 years. >> steve: that's a lot of money. >> brian: to me. >> steve: now a lot of rain. extreme weather. ernesto now a tropical storm. it weakened this morning as it crossed mexico. you can see it's still packing strong winds, 70 miles per hour with the new video. heavy rain. it did hit the yucatan peninsula at hurricane levels. the national hurricane center says it could regain hurricane strength when it moves into the
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campece bay. >> brian: a story has come in our direction. police forced to escort joan rivers out of a california costco. this after the comedienne made a scene about the store not selling her new book, which by the way, is called "i hate everyone" starting with me. costco taking issues with curse words on the book's back coverment at first, rivers tried to get customers to buy the book outside the store. this sounds like a reality show. she then moved inside and handcuffed herself to a shopping cart, all while using a bull horn to blast costco, even comparing the chain to nazi germany. never funny. rivers and her people valley left once police showed up. no charges were filed. it sounds like it will be an episode on the e channel one of these does. >> steve: it does. the next thing is sports related. >> brian: how important is scoring a foul ball at a baseball game? for a padres fan, apparently more important than caring for
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your child? look at that. great reach, nobody is hurt. the ball caught. but you got it wonder if it's worth risk. a grounder near third base. the fan reaching over and holding the baby with one arm and grabbing the ball one handed. the baby is okay. remember baseball fans, it is only a game. that is your kid. their skulls are soft. >> steve: from that baby to ali has baby, baby, baby ooo. >> ali: i am about to do the impossible. i'll do a segment with six babies. this has never been done before on live television. they're so beautiful and they're being very well behaved right now. yes, you are. taking care of a baby is tough. but thankfully there are always new gadgets to make life easier for parents, including new parents like bill rancic who we got to stick around. >> i need all the help i can get. >> ali: here to show us some of
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the best products is carly, chief of bill has a lot to learn. >> here you go. first thing is giving the baby a bath. trial very difficult. lots of new tools. right here is a baby bathtub. it's a beautiful thing because of great plastic material, you can put in any kind of sink and it's really inexpensive and it dries easily. great for a new york city apartment. >> ali: this baby is so well behaved. >> brian: these kids are so chill. >> eight months old. >> ali: don't get used to this, bill. >> this is a little more substantial bathtub. you can actually have it incline for babies who are newborn and up to this age. this is lee i can't who is nine months old. it folds flat. this is about $70. but really useful. >> ali: look how much the baby likes it. >> i know. it's really sturdy. it pops and goes flat. >> ali: what's next? laugh and learn?
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>> you are going to give your baby an iphone far earlier than you should. >> i am not. >> and basically this protects it. every mom at everest aunt in america has a baby iphone. this protects it from their sticky fingers. >> ali: try to make a call. would you look silly in a restaurant making a phone on this? >> this is from fisher price. and they have it for the ipad. that's $35. really great product. >> ali: okay. the uv passifier. it drops all the time. >> yes. here you go. what you're going to do is you're going to pop that in, or grab it if you want. >> hang on. >> so here is the deal. you got to pay attention. when it drops on the ground issues you pick it up, dust it off on your side. that's exactly it. you pop it in, push it down.
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u.v. light, three minutes and it's completely sterilized. >> ali: that's going to change your life. >> the buzzy. baby gets hurt, baby going for imzooations. this great product has an ice pack on the back. before they get their shots, you can see we have our baby heater. this is great. you put it on their arm, chill the area, move it up and then this starts to vibrate. it's like when you rub your arm when you get hurt. it's a natural pain relief for babies. >> ali: adorable. what's this? >> check this out. this is pretty cool. like the porsche of infant seats. it basically -- they studied mom and dad movements. you're going to spend a lot of your life going like this right now. so this seat basically does that. five different kinds of movements. looks how it calms this baby here. >> ali: this this is so she can take a shower. >> newborn and all the way up. this is baby liam. he's seven months old.
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you see how calming it is. babies love movement and sound. you can plug an iphone in. >> that baby looks very happy. >> ali: there you go. do you feel more prepared? >> i feel very prepared and i'm going to go shopping as soon as i leave here and bring my wife some gifts home. >> ali: we want to thank home depot for loaning us this beautiful vanity. >> i am launching the city hilton honors card people can go to city hilton honors and get more information. >> ali: perfect. what baby can i hold? >> oh, my gosh. here you go. go for it. >> i'm next. >> this is mariah. >> brian: a little bit of trouble over there. >> steve: doesn't sound good. >> brian: new stunning report, the white house order cops not to arrest occupy protesters even if they did break the law.
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would you get the same treatment? i think not. >> steve: then meet marie, the new avatar replacing humans at airports. she looks so life like. >> brian: are humans the problem at the airport? >> steve: she's very two dimensional. she's next. this is the plan for back to school.
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introducing share everything, only from verizon. a shareable pool of data to power up to 10 different devices. add multiple smartphones to your plan, so everyone in your family can enjoy unlimited talk and text. the first plan of its kind. share everything. get your student a samsung galaxy nexus for $99.99. gotta get that bacon! baco! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you,
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i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth! [ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom. try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to four times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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>> steve: quick headlines on this wednesday morning. a judicial watchdog group uncovering a string of e-mail that show the obama administration went easy on occupy protesters in portland, oregon. one of the e-mails from a top gsa official, he says the white house told him to, quote, stand
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down and not arrest protesters even if they were rallying past curfew on federal land. and the future of flying starts today with marie, a computer-generated avatar. fake person. >> she can tell people where restrooms are located, where they can find a taxi, where they can find baggage claim. right now she has a script that she repeats every 90 seconds. >> steve: marie is currently at jfk, la guardia and newark airports as well. >> ali: i just don't want her flying the plane. >> brian: yet. >> steve: you got auto pilot, why not? >> ali: emotions running high at the trial of former police officer drew peterson. he is charged in the drowning death of his third wife, kathleen savio. during yesterday's hearing, bolingbrook police officer james coughlin testified back in 2004, drew peterson once said to him, quote, it would be easier if kathleen savio was dead. >> brian: judge jeanine pirro was there.
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she joins us with more and talks about you got your big show coming up. first things first. how damning is that statement? >> well, i think it's very damning. what was interesting is that there was a lieutenant from the bolingbrook police department who himself went to the illinois state police who were handling this case to say, you know, i was in the courthouse a couple of weeks ago and there were a bunch of lawyers laughing and drew made a comment. they're laughing 'cause they're getting all my money, you know. i'd be better off if she were dead. he said this guy coughlin, lieutenant coughlin, that he didn't think that much of it at the time, but within a couple of weeks when kathleen was dead, he decided to go to the state police. what was amazing about yesterday, guys, was the prosecution was in the untenable position of calling a witness to the stand, who totally undercut their case. who? the illinois state police. robert deal, the guy who came in and was in charge of the scene who said that, oh, it was an
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accident. she drowned. even though there was bruising all over kathleen's body, and a major bruise on her butt. he said it was just a typical bruises that all people have. and the big one on her butt probably was a skin problem. even though she was hemorrhaging blood from her head, he thought that that wasn't his job. it was really the medical examiner's job. he didn't take fingerprints. he didn't lumen the rug, he didn't check the house. it was as though it was, you know, not a big deal. she's dead. enough with the dead. let's just keep moving. and throughout the day, he continued to stay with his belief that it was a slip and fall. when the deputy coroner had said, i went along with the state police, but to be honest with you, the position she was in, it didn't look like a slip and fall. >> steve: yeah. but the problem is, and now we're years later, and there is no real evidence that connects him to the murder. >> that's exactly the point, that even if we get the medical
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experts to say, as they did when they redid the autopsy and exhumed the body that it was a homicide, there is still no physical evidence that connects drew peterson to the crime. but make no mistake, guy, this is a circumstantial case. the prosecution has made it clear that drew peterson was an expert in evidence and law enforcement. he knew how to cover up a crime scene. and the circumstantial evidence will point to this defendant, they believe, beyond a reasonable doubt. to be honest with you, although at every turn the defense makes a motion to dismiss based upon anything examine everything, i think that the prosecution case is going just fine. >> ali: you can watch "justice" with judge jeanine saturdays at 9 p.m you will be covering this, no doubt. thank you for coming on. >> my pleasure. >> brian: 12 hips before the top of the hour. forget ohio and pennsylvania. larry sabato has predicted every
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presidential election correctly, says there is one thing about the state of florida that may determine the 2012 race. >> steve: plus what may determine whether or not we watch television at 9:00 o'clock eastern is what bill hemmer says right now. >> there is no pressure there. >> steve: none. >> ali, you look terrific with that baby. you might want to think about having a few. >> steve: she does. >> ali: believe me, when you're around that many baby, there is some baby fever in the studio happening. >> nice to see you. >> steve: you're right. >> how below the belt was the latest political hit on mitt romney? we'll talk to the romney campaign for reaction on that. and will we see the romney vp pick this week? a lot of rumors out there, folks. have you seen what mars looks like today? some of these pictures will blow your mind. we'll see you in about ten minutes on "america's newsroom"
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>> brian: only 90 days away from choosing a new president. and the race for the battle ground states is getting fierce. our next guest who has predicted every presidential race correctly and says the road to the white house runs through one battle ground state in particular, florida. how come, dr. sabato, as you join us from the university of virginia where you are political science professor? >> brian, because republicans and mitt romney must win florida. it is almost impossible to see how romney could get over 270 without winning florida. the good news for him is that in 11 of the last 13 presidential races, the democratic nominee has done worst in florida than he's done nationally. that suggests that romney has a
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pretty good chance to win florida in a close race. >> brian: there are some things in the make-up of florida, even though there is more registered democrats than republicans, there is something about florida that gives republicans hope. what is it? >> look at the hispanic population. this is a very different hispanic population because of the cuban flavor. hispanics vote about 10% more republican in florida than elsewhere. obama ran 10 percentage points under his national performance with hispanics in 2008. that's a big plus for republicans. >> brian: the other thing is, a new trend, big push in terms of more registered republicans and democrats. that's not the case. but in terms of new registered parties, republicans are getting a lot more in than democrats as of late. correct? >> yeah. that's true at a lot of different states over the last year or so. there has been a trend in that direction, although i'm not a big fan of voter registrations. i don't think it really reveals all that much.
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>> brian: something else. if you want florida and you say it is key, like most elections, but more than any other this year, a lot of people say that means you should do what jeb bush recommends you do, mitt romney. go out and get marco rubio. would he help deliver the state? >> i think he actually would. i know the polls say otherwise. i don't happen to buy the polls and i think you reset the poll once you put him on the ticket. by the way, brian, i don't think you know this, but there has never been a floridian as either the presidential nominee or the vice presidential nominee of either major party. >> brian: i think one of the problems with rubio in the past is he's only ban u.s. senator for a certain amount of time but that's going to blow up because the president was only a u.s. senator for a couple of years before he got the job. >> yeah. rubio was the speaker of the house of representatives in one of our great mega states, florida is a giant state. to have a senior role in the legislature of a mega state is important. >> brian: now, in the big
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picture, we think and karl rove is reporting that the pick for vp could come as early as friday. what are you hearing? who are the guys that you think are the finalists or the ladies, that you think are the finalists? >> i've heard so many contradictory things, brian, i don't know what to think, to tell you the honest truth. we've always thought that tim pawlenty and rob portman made a lot of sense, but we've also said marco rubio, paul ryan and bobby jindal make a lot of sense. i know you believe that chris christie is in that mix as well. may very well be. the only people who know aren't talking and people like us who are talking don't know. >> brian: but you also, people look to you to say what could one pick be for me and what could it mean for the general election? they look to the crystal ball type. dr. larry sabato, thank you for joining us. maybe the next time both tickets will be complete. >> there you go. hope so. >> brian: happy birthday to you. meanwhile, more "fox & friends" in two minutes. wake up!
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal?
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you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. and real almond slices ♪
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don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet healthy recipes of fresh meat and fresh veggies so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido >> ali: what does this monkey want? >> brian: the monkey wants out. should that guy let him out? does he let him out? >> steve: we don't know what the monkey is thinking for sure because he's a monkey. but the guy does not let him out. >> ali: brian thinks he wants out of the zoo. >> brian: let him out if you see him. michelle malkin tomorrow, juan williams. see you.
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bill: good morning. let's start with a fox news alert. an attack ad from democrats has critics say the campaign has hit a whole new low. i'm will hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. >> i'm patti ann browne. that ad from a super pac features a man who says he just lost his job. >> when mitt romney and bain capital closed the plant i lost my healthcare. and my family lost our healthcare. a short time after that my wife became ill. i don't know how long she was sick and i think she didn't say anything because we couldn't afford the insurance. bill: he goes on to say his wife
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was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and died 22 days later. the fact checkers are out and the romney team is responding saying president obama's allies continue to use dishonest and discredited attacks. as it turns out the man's wife died years later and there are a host of claims that have been proved to be inaccurate. >> we'll ask our panel if this ad goes too far. and we'll get reaction from the romney campaign when his press secretary joins us. bill: you can count it, folks, on the calendar. 90 days to election day. two swing states president obama won in 2008 now spl


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